Friday, November 30, 2012

Working Of Hosted Telephony

They use the same circuitry such as a company uses LAN connection and they are called by another name - Hosted PBX system - which runs on IP networks. They provide same working theory like Internet according to them by passing any kind of information in a secure manner in back and forth manner 

It is also called VOIP system that is provided with a special router to connect the Network with the visible world. The switch process evidence directly from the hosting service and become Hosted PBX. If it is created publicly the same secure protocol is used such as HTTPS. Regarding to association what its request - better security with fast access of everything - due to this private connection is created that is also responsible for better bandwidth with more secure levels for any company.

Simple Example:-
When any person calls then what happens you know? The phone connects to IP Network - which then connected to the remote Host Service provider - which analyzes the number and according to number it creates a connection with IP networks using VOIP Protocols. Besides these the remote server provides a variety of services such as the creating of connection from another system.

Suppose a person calling from any area, then what happens the nearby telecom tower calls site take the call by GSM it has and in GSM it will filter signal by -45 to +45 degrees and select the best signal then send to nearby BSC which send the signal to the nearby MSC and then to the user according to the number it had stored in its database.

HOSTED TELEPHONY services are cheaper, easier, and quicker to install with low maintenance charge along with updating on the basis of some new technology arriving. These services are not the alternative to traditional phone system, but they are more than it because of technological change huge organizations having millions employees around the world by using this system one can yield financial and business advantages because people need secure and fast work and this will get only by using this technology.

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