Friday, July 27, 2012

New technology - Robot Change Your Life

 People life changed with the new technology developed by many researcher for their hard work. As a result people get relax and free to work easily such as watches which determine time at any instant in different style and many more day-today equipment.

 I want to tell you something about the new technology which drastically effect your life that is robot you have watched so many movies on it which provide you the realistic and natural look, have you imagine how actually these systems work what they consist and why they are so popular in people's life.

A Robot is the Electra-mechanical machine which performs tasks on the computer automate guidance or maybe by remote control. Talking about the range of these according to humanoids such as AISMO, TOPOI, NANO, SWARN, INDUSTRIAL, MILITARY, MOBILE and many more which makes your life easy. For more information about robot you may look to Wikipedia.

 How to create a robot is an important part about all this stuff for that you have to develop an idea that what kind you require and then arrange material according to it what materials such as iron ore, sensors, cameras for vision, wires, motors and most important is the toolbox which issued for tightening the screw and many other things. You may use processor through which you will guide it to according to your needs and requirement.

 Beside these you need an algorithm, which you will develop in any language such as C most frequently language and many more like binary language which need on basis of automation for that you will learn the simple steps.

Some new or latest inventions on robotics:-
Face robot, which is recently developed at Pisa University by Niccole Lazzeri and her colleagues which used facial expression on robot face by using 32 motors. It also uses 30 years old mechanism called "Facial Action Coding System" that provide facial expressions according to anatomic muscle movements.

It displays emotions related to sadness, happiness, disgust, surprise, fear. Pisa University tested these expressions on five autistic and 15 non-autistic children to identify the emotions. For more information about video you may click to Discovery.

So with such benefits robots are nearly taken our part of life and the day is not far when they compete the human race.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Software Which Prevent Burgalaries

Everyone wants to know about future that things For this different movies produces every month which shows a great craze between people and also moving people towards astrologers, But as concerned in software field new things happen always to show its quality and importance here I want to discuss the latest upcoming software, which is developed a new software company PredPol based at Santa Cruz in California. Los angles police testing this software where burglaries are most likely to happen.

What it actually does, uses time and location along with previous reports of the burglary, mixes all with sociological studies of criminal behaviour which results to provide where the criminal likely want to hit, prediction bases the police do its efforts.

 From predictions analysis system generate the detailed map on algorithm bases of crime patterns which are long past ago.
In this map potential crime areas shown by red boxes. According to PredPro this reduced robberies about 25% which is tested in only six areas.

Name of software is not yet decided, but after completely satisfaction it will definitely reduce crime and everyone wants such type of tehcnology, which is "sarva jan hitaya sarva jan sukhaya".

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Eco-Friendly Technology - CAR using Compressed Air

World is changing and everyone had changed to equipped with day new technology there is day when people didn't know about mobile phones, but today era is coming to enjoy the life in fuel free car.

TATA dream of NANO car had been true now working with French Designed Firm an International motor development to develop a new CAR that could run on Compressed Air and is expecting to set up manufacturing plants to develop this car on the basis of tested two engines.  
It is not a new idea because on compressed air several tools have been prepared, but to use this as to maintain car is a new Technology and how TATA full fill its dream it must be a wait and watching seen.
Working:- In Internal combustion version where fuel apply force to piston, due to this turns a crankshaft and car get power to run.While in case of Compressed Air Pistons are moved by Air not by fuel and how to generate air to run piston this had to be for ..Scientists.

Scientists are researching to how to provide more power using Compressed Air, only they noticed to get the speed up-to 30 to 35 miles/hour, which is not very high and consumes a lot of time to travel long distance.

One of advantages is that the storing a Compressed air require a fuel tank which are stronger than steel to contain 1000s of pounds /sq necessary along with less dangerous than fuel tank filling.

Honda made first air powered car in 2010 and delivered to the USA, now it is on TATA that when it provides this beautiful gift to INDIA and all over the world. If this car launch, then really people's life changed and Depletion of ozone layer might be somehow stopped

Monday, July 9, 2012

New Technology Of Uranium Which Power Your Car

A newly developed Uranium Nitride, which is a small tiny molecule of uranium make future more powerful along with to develop a tiny nuclear power plant for running cars. Scientists of Los Alamos National Laboratory discovered an uranium nitride molecule which provide sound and safe power to run cars on road with proper shielded into a small nuclear power plant. This is fitted into the car and it produces a huge amount of pollution free environment friendly energy.

According to Jaqueline Kiplinger(Scientist), Acitinide nitrides are future fules, which is cheaper in sense to provide more energy up to five to six years in a single car. These molecules also responsible for breaking the strong bond of carbon-hydrogen similar to the process happened daily in the car engines.
Important:- To get Uranium Nitride commercially Available it must make bond with hydrogen atom of C-H bond alternatively but not able to destroy it self, If this happens, then it is available as catalyst provide nature friendly power to device like car.
Research is going on to make Uranium Nitride as catalyst to get cheap and reliable source of energy.

Such process happening naturally in the enzyme called Cytochrome P450, but scientists are researching on this enzyme chemistry to get proper knowledge about its activity to provide final stage to the uranium nitride as new nuclear fuel which could lead to smaller cheaper and finally portable nuclear power plants for many oranization's such as NASA, ISRO, Hyperior Power Generation.
As you all know that Uranium is associated with deadly radiations if this research sucessful then we get a new molecule which has depleted uranium, which is baneficial  not   only   in Industrial and catalystic opportunities but also provide a harmless radiological love-point.
If this molecule can bear under normal STP it would definitely save money and time along to produce medicines and other chemical industrial products for day today life.

So hope one day this technology will strive our home and provided us a natural and sound environment.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

New future technology "Kitegen" - Eco-Friendly To Generate Electricity

It is pioneer to produce the electricity through the power of wind. It not only compete with the current electrical energy of industry, but also aim to decline the use of fossil fuels.
This concept was developed in Itay to produce electricity from high altitudes winds by the Italian researcher Massimo Ippolito.

In this wind is captured by 'Power Wing Profiles whose movement is automatically controlled by a computer. Kites are anchored through cables which are attached through structure to produce electricity on rotation. In this structure is called Turbine and kites are called Blades.

In this kites are rotated in predetermined trajectory which provide force to cable. Due to force a mechanical torque is produced to rotate the below structure (turbine).

To generate 1GW of power you require twenty rotating kites in 1.6m of diameter each at speed 15rev/sec, which is equivalent to medium size nuclear power station.
In other way I want to say that one cubic km generate 1GW of Power. This all possible where
high altitude wind flows.

Some facts about winds:-
Their are two types of wind flow bands-
First one passes over the southern hemisphere at the latitude of patagonia, another passes over the nothern hemisphere over the Europe.
They flow at altitude of 800m height with avg speed of 7m/sec to 10,000m height with avg speed is more than previous one with width is about 4,000 to 5,000 km produce an average
powe of 2KW per square.

If Kitegen produce 100MW peak power, then yearly it produces 500GW h/y, which is enough Power for 86ooo houses with Eco-Friendly nature, but this technique require high altitude wind.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Nanotechnology - Developing its Wings

Nanotech is shorter name to the nanotechnology. It is the experiments on the materials having noval properties and unique functions in their atoms and molecules whose size range is one to hundred nano meters.

Government think it is key technology of future and following are some countries which invested in it - The USA $3.7 billion, Japan - $750 million, European Union - $1.2 billion apart from these emerging countries like India, China, Singapor, Israel, South Korea, Taiwan.

Main aim of nanotechnology is built such kinds of products are nature friendly to provide highest quality to our needs.   
Nanotechnology solves many problems of human beings, Such as - developing of renewable clean energy, development of clean water, provides better health facilities, enabling space projects for better maintenance, preserving the environment along with to provide IT information to all.

Nanotechnology use both bottom - up and top-down approach to build products, but mainly it used bottom up approach to develop products of atomic precision.

Biotech deals with only the molecular structure of plants and animals to develop new products while nanotech provides new product from biological as well as non biological systems which are much better than biological and survive in any type of environmental conditions such as nano tech is used to build aircraft and automobile parts.
 Nanotechnology projects are divided into following stages:-
1st generation- Passive nanostructures.
2nd generation- Active nanostructures.
3r generation- Three dimensionalnanosystems along with hetrogeneous nano components.
4th generation- Each molecule had definite role and specific structure termed as heterogenous molcular nanosystems.

1st generation is in the market, 2nd generation research is going on, on 3rd and 4th are modeled and computational procedure is taing place.
One must be became an explorer of this technology by gaining information on this new technology through Internet, television, Taking participate in different organisations such as CEERI, foresight, nanotech-now, crnano, Wikipedia and many more to gain and train yourself about this technology.

New Technology - Optical Camouflage - Invisible Man

I had given presentation on optical camouflage and people really amazed to see this technology which make you invisible possible!

Introduction: - It is active camouflages in which a person's background image will be reflect on the front of its body portion make invisible in eyes of other.

A movie like Harry Potter and many sci-fi upcoming movies uses this technology to real world with concept of invisibility cloak a reality.

Invisibility cloak(cloth) - cloak imparts optical camouflage to work by using a special material called retro-reflective material.

Retro-reflective consists of thousands and thousands of small beads which reflect light back to same direction from where these light rays are coming making zero angle of reflection.

Basically it works on augmented-reality technology, which is not magic uses computer generated information to know users sensory perceptions.

What we need - A computer, a garment made from retro-reflective material, a video camera, a projector, half silvered mirror called combiner.

Working - Video camera captures the background image, which is placed behind the person who wearing cloak. That video is in the digital form and sends to the computer for processing. Now computer process this image by having hardware, software and combiner to get optical camouflage work by calculating appropriate perspective to provide reality and transfer the captured or processed image to the retro-refractive material.

History- at University of Tokyo professors Susumu Tachi, Masahiko Inami, Naoki Kawakami had discover this technology in which they had taken image using video camera and displayed it on the cloth is using external projector.

So this is the coolest invention of year 2003, which is stated by Times Magazine. Used by Pilots during landing, Bus and car drivers, Doctors while at operation. Research will be going on in this technology and in the future we will get more amazing and astonishing values from it.

New Technology - Power Transmission Without Wire

You have seen the mobile phones an incredible world of wireless through which we can see talk and know each other. Imagine what happens when electricity is transmitted without wire? World totally change with no wire on roads only air as medium.
This new method made possible by researchers of the Intel industry to throw electricity to a few meters using frequency signals called "wireless resonant energy link" without causing any hazards to bystanders.
Overview: - In this method two coils are places to some distance, now wire A sends a signal of 10 MHz to wire B which resonates to tune with frequency causing electrons to flow through that coil as you had studied the turning fork concept.
From this technology recently a bulb of 60wt can be lighted which provide 70% efficiency.
Things changed when this will launch in market on large scale. Through this one can charge laptop mobile without worried about charger. This may come in next two to three years.

Latest Future Technology - Memristor

Did you notice when you turned off PC or it can be automatically turned off it loss data and can never be restored only leaving browser restore session options. It is very painful if you are working and this situation come to get rid of this thing scientists developed a new big thing named "memristor" a microscopic small components which remember electrical states even when turned off provides user to get out of natural things.

It is the theoretical concept which was proposed in 1971, but today it is true and revotulanized everything beginning from ram to IC.

These uses powerful shock waves which incredibly changed the world of computing, such type of technology make you deal with paperless office along with to deliver wireless power to devise.

Imagination come true here for the true and natural world with such type of technology that is true work towards development of human being.